I Finished My Second Dry Feb

28 Days Dry Feb Badge


I have officially completed my second annual Dry Feb in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Midnight on Wednesday I suppose is when I would have been finished but that was also the conclusion of what seemed like a long month, so you will excuse me for not setting an alarm to crack the cork on my first beverage.

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And DryFeb Closes With A Sober Birthday, Not Mine Though

About Dry Feb

Dry Feb is a fundraiser that challenges you to go booze-free for a month to support the Canadian Cancer Society. It helps you get healthy and clear your head while also raising funds for an important cause.

Dry Feb takes a light-hearted approach to raising funds for a serious issue. You don’t often get the chance to raise money for charity by not doing something! It is a challenge of determination that rewards participants with a great sense of achievement and feeling of wellbeing.

Taking part in Dry Feb also gives you the chance to focus on yourself – notice your own drinking habits and the value of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The sobering news is that alcohol is one of the top three causes of cancer deaths worldwide. Last year, it is estimated that as many as 10,700 Canadians were diagnosed with cancer linked to their alcohol consumption.

Dry Heroes are supported by an online community of other participants, providing advice, help and encouragement throughout the challenge. (from https://www.dryfeb.ca/about)


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Three Weeks Into Canadian Cancer Society’s DryFeb

DryFeb and my three week update on staying sober for a cause

The Cause

By now maybe you know The Canadian Cancer Society has started an initiative called DryFeb, if not it can be found here online.

And so far 2,476 participants are staying sober for a cause. In exchange for getting through Super Bowl without a pint of beer and Valentine’s day without a nice glass of red wine we are soliciting our friends and family for donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, so far totalling $98,029.

We are at the completion of our third week of being sober for a cause.

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Half way through Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb

Going Dry for a cause and I’m halfway there

DryFeb and how being sober supports the Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society has started an initiative called Dry Feb, which can be found here online.

And so far 2,473 participants are staying sober for a cause. In exchange for getting through Super Bowl without a pint of beer and Valentine’s day without a nice glass of red wine we are soliciting our friends and family for donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, so far totalling $85,722. Continue reading

Still Going Dry For The Canadian Cancer Society

Still Dry…..

Dry Feb is a fundraising initiative from/for The Canadian Cancer Society. Being sober for a cause.

I decided to participate for personal reasons and since I believe it’s a worthy cause which made me feel compiled to do my part. So far I have raised $200 which is 40% of my goal.  A huge thank-you to everyone who has donated, shared the link or offered encouragement, please let’s keep it up !

So I am now one week in and offering my update. Continue reading