Mad As Hell: Anger, Frustration, and Mental Illness


Living with mental illness stirs up all kinds of emotions. Some, like anxiety, depression, moodiness, insecurity, and even abject terror, are anticipated; even understood by those of us who experience them. I mean, of course being in the midst of a depressive episode is going to result in depression – the name is kind of a spoiler. One emotion that often comes up, but isn’t discussed nearly as much as it should be, is anger. Not only is it not discussed, but I’ve had therapists downplay how impact it can be for a person experiencing mental illness.

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I Finished My Second Dry Feb

28 Days Dry Feb Badge


I have officially completed my second annual Dry Feb in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Midnight on Wednesday I suppose is when I would have been finished but that was also the conclusion of what seemed like a long month, so you will excuse me for not setting an alarm to crack the cork on my first beverage.

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Will This Give Me Superpowers? Trauma, Neurofeedback, and Recovery

Ok, but will this give me superpowers?

This was literally my first thought after being introduced to the concept and science behind neurofeedback. It’s a fair question, too. I mean, if it can train the brain recover from trauma and alleviate the symptoms of numerous mental illnesses, why not introduce a few superpowers as part of the process? The answer, by the way, is an unfortunate no, but neurofeedback therapy can do something even better, give patients back control over their own minds.

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Recovering From The Poisonous Venom Of Dr. DarkAges


The Hollywood Reporter

So It’s Been A While

It’s been several weeks since I worked on the website. This saddens me because it is still something I strongly believe in. So in the spirit of creating a community about celebrating the awesomeness of being a Geek I have made the difficult decision to open up about my absence while hopefully not droning on too terribly. Also in true fan style my geek love proved a vital component of my antidote.

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A Doctor Who Passion That Pulled Me Out Of Depression

Truth Time

When Ashley and I started this website we wanted to build a community where people could find solace in the geek community and the many stories of surviving impending doom.  Part of that requires some brutal honesty on our parts about those times when dreams of heros and a madman with a box are the only thing that allow you to function.

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