Journal Spilling To Renew Inspiration

Are You Feeling Creatively Drawn Out?

I know that I was

Earlier this week Ashley posted A Brief Guide To The Sanity Saving Magic That Is A Bullet Journal.  She writes excellently about the art of bullet journalling and how it can save the sanity of those of us who are still preferential to paper and pen instead of the tapping of a keyboard.  And that is a skill I have actually been looking to learn so I personally found her post very helpful, and I am going to look into a moleskine journal.

However following the Christmas rush to get personal gifts done I have been feeling creatively drained. Organization and writing were coming well to me and my house cleaning was reaching a high point.  The kids and I were enjoying each other’s company but painting and creating was difficult.

So I discovered a new journalling method and it was Journal Spilling To The Rescue

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