Habitica Is My New Best Friend, Sorry Real Life Friends

Habitica Motivates You Do Anything

Time Management


At least that’s what they claim on Habitica’s home page “Motivate Yourself To Do Anything” behind that statement are some 8 bit graphics of dragons being tossed out of a computer screen and also a few of the pets that are available to you in the “game”.  Actually the pets they choose for the home page are the dragon and the cactus; which are total faves of mine.

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Time Management Tips, Tricks, And Tools For Geeks

Time Management

Time management is an incredibly difficult skill to master. If you happen to have mental health challenges it can be even harder. Unfortunately, unless you have access to an assistant who can follow you around 24/7, it’s a skill most of us need to perfect. In fact, figuring out how to manage your time can actually be pretty damned empowering. Of course that doesn’t make it any easier to learn.

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