Why I Love Bill Potts, The Doctor’s Newest Companion

Guys! Bill is gay! Like actually gay! Not LeFou gay or tragigay or vague-hints-but-we’re-not-going-to-show-anything-onscreen gay. She’s actually, openly gay.

Bill Potts

I wish Bill would flirt with me

After watching last week’s premiere, I sent that message to a few of my close friends in celebration of Bill Potts, the Doctor’s latest companion. I’ve watched the episode a few times, and I still can’t get enough of Bill. Sure, Captain Jack was unquestionably pansexual, but his limited time with the Doctor often keeps him from being considered a companion along the same lines as Rose or Donna or Clara (don’t @ me). This makes Bill the first openly gay companion*. Not only that, but this isn’t your typical questioning or coming of age story. Bill isn’t trying to figure out if she is a lesbian, she just is a lesbian.

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