Guardians Of The Galaxy Review From A Superhero Newbie

Catching Up With Guardians of the Galaxy

When I got invited by another mom to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 I very eagerly said yes, because it looked awesome.  Then it was brought to my attention that I had not seen Volume 1 yet.  So a mere one hour before I was leaving to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 I finished Volume 1.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
L to R: Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Drax The Destroyer (Dave Bautista) and Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel)
Ph: Film Frame
©Marvel 2014

Volume 1

Oh My God !

I had no idea what I was missing out on.

After a brief but necessary look into Peter Quill’s heartbreaking beginning the Star Lord quickly sets a different tone with his top notch dancing skills set to the soundtrack of ‘Awesome Mixed Tape #1’.

Also I want to point out that I spent the entire movie thinking that Peter would open the gift from his mother at the moment of ultimate doom and it would be something to suddenly save the galaxy. It did turn out to be a very ‘awesome’ gift but it didn’t quite save the galaxy.

Rocket the genetically and cybernetically modified raccoon is accompanied brilliantly by his tree-like humanoid Groot.

Basically all of our good guys are on the run from someone so in order to stay alive (and hopefully get rich) they must form what is at times a very uneasy alliance.

Of course our misfit heroes manage to save the day, and their journey there is chalked full of some fantastic humor. Seriously just so funny.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Rocket Raccoon and his tree like body guard Groot

Some Important Endnotes

The end of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1 leaves us with some important clues into Volume 2.

As the Ravagers leave Xander, Yondu remarks that it turned out well that they did not deliver Quill to his father as contracted.

Peter Quill learns that he is only half human, his father being part of an ancient unknown species.

Star Lord finally opens the gift his mother gave him early on, and it’s ‘Awesome Mixed Tape #2’, I love this.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have their criminal records expunged and they leave together in the rebuilt Milano (Peter’s ship) with a sapling cut from Groot.

Volume 2

Spoiler – it’s hilarious and wonderful.

I really enjoyed Groot the body guard but Baby Groot is freaking adorable.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Baby Groot is freaking ADORABLE!

Yondu’s remark regarding Peter’s father give us some insight into the main theme of Volume 2, unravelling the mysteries of Peter’s parentage.

As Marvel Studios continues to expand their Marvel Universe prepare to accept some old foes as new friends.

Of course our now beloved ragtag heroes find themselves once again on the run from powerful beings.

To avoid giving away too much of the story before everyone has had a fair chance to watch it I won’t go too much into Volume 2, but I am thrilled to see more of Nebula.

My eagerness for Nebula is at least partly due to my fascination with Karen Gillan ever since she portrayed Amy Pond, which is a completely different fandom but I wanted to be Amy Pond.

Karen Gillan shaved her signature red locks completely off for her role as Nebula in Volume 1 and even did it on camera.  She reports being grateful that for Volume 2 they only needed to shave the lower half of her head.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Karen Gillan’s hair growing out after her role as Nebula

It is one of those rare franchises that I will be watching multiple times.

I loved it !!

Geeks Out
