Canadian Cancer Society Dry Feb 2018 Has Begun

Dry Feb Banner

Last year I wanted to participate in The Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb Initiative getting in on the action in it’s very first year.

9, 585 people are going dry this year having raised $216,709 so far.

This year my desire to participate was even stronger;

tomorrow is my father’s last radiation treatment.

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I’m Dry This February

DryFeb Bottle Cap

I can’t think of anyone who’s heart has not been broken by the devil known as Cancer.

And I’m really not sure that anyone needs extra convincing that we need to make headway in our treatments so given the opportunity to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society, who would turn that down?

Also I personally have had my life, family and friendships affected by alcoholism.

It’s a horrible thing to watch someone you love fall deeper in the bottle without a way to drag to them out.

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