5 Awesome Graphic Novels For People Who Are Bored With Superheroes

Graphic Novels

When you mention comic books or graphic novels to most people, they automatically think of caped crusaders flying around beating the bad guys. There are, of course, many comics and graphic novels collecting those types of adventures. Superhero comics are an underrated medium. A skilled creative team can do a lot with a superhero comic. Some of the best stories address issues like sexuality, racism, sexism, and class imbalances.

However, sometimes you don’t want to have to learn 50 plus years of company lore just to read a single story. Even if you normally love these types of tales, superhero fatigue is a very real thing. Variety is the spice of every healthy media diet, including comic books and graphic novels. Thankfully there are a ton of absolutely amazing comic books and graphic novels that don’t centre around good guys in masks.

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