I Finished My Second Dry Feb

28 Days Dry Feb Badge


I have officially completed my second annual Dry Feb in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Midnight on Wednesday I suppose is when I would have been finished but that was also the conclusion of what seemed like a long month, so you will excuse me for not setting an alarm to crack the cork on my first beverage.

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My Second Dry Feb Valentine’s Day

Did Dry Feb Get In The Way Of Your Valentine’s Day Romance

Romantic dinner with wine

All that Valentine’s Day mush can make some of us want to drink

For some romantics out there Valentine’s Day is a big deal. Those big Valentine’s plans can often include a nice meal, and if you are enjoying a nice romantic meal it’s easy enough to pair that with a nice glass of wine or imported beer.

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Canadian Cancer Society Dry Feb 2018 Has Begun

Dry Feb Banner

Last year I wanted to participate in The Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb Initiative getting in on the action in it’s very first year.

9, 585 people are going dry this year having raised $216,709 so far.

This year my desire to participate was even stronger;

tomorrow is my father’s last radiation treatment.

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Still Going Dry For The Canadian Cancer Society

Still Dry…..

Dry Feb is a fundraising initiative from/for The Canadian Cancer Society. Being sober for a cause.

I decided to participate for personal reasons and since I believe it’s a worthy cause which made me feel compiled to do my part. So far I have raised $200 which is 40% of my goal.  A huge thank-you to everyone who has donated, shared the link or offered encouragement, please let’s keep it up !

So I am now one week in and offering my update. Continue reading