Time Management Tips, Tricks, And Tools For Geeks

Time Management

Time management is an incredibly difficult skill to master. If you happen to have mental health challenges it can be even harder. Unfortunately, unless you have access to an assistant who can follow you around 24/7, it’s a skill most of us need to perfect. In fact, figuring out how to manage your time can actually be pretty damned empowering. Of course that doesn’t make it any easier to learn.

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A Brief Guide To The Sanity Saving Magic That Is A Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal

Ashley Perna/Geeks In Art

If you are the type of person who prefers analog to digital, especially when it comes to organization, the Bullet Journal might be the perfect thing for you. Created by Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer, bullet journals are more than just a way to schedule your week. They blend mindfulness and organization in a way that can inspire you to actually get things done. One of the best things about this system is that you can easily customize it to suit your own needs. There are an endless number of variations on this method of organization. You can make your bullet journal as complex or as simple as you’d like. As long as it is fulfilling its purpose, you can’t do it wrong. I don’t know about you, but I am a huge fan of something that I can’t screw up.

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