Journal Spilling To Renew Inspiration

Are You Feeling Creatively Drawn Out?

I know that I was

Earlier this week Ashley posted A Brief Guide To The Sanity Saving Magic That Is A Bullet Journal.  She writes excellently about the art of bullet journalling and how it can save the sanity of those of us who are still preferential to paper and pen instead of the tapping of a keyboard.  And that is a skill I have actually been looking to learn so I personally found her post very helpful, and I am going to look into a moleskine journal.

However following the Christmas rush to get personal gifts done I have been feeling creatively drained. Organization and writing were coming well to me and my house cleaning was reaching a high point.  The kids and I were enjoying each other’s company but painting and creating was difficult.

So I discovered a new journalling method and it was Journal Spilling To The Rescue

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Make Good Art: The Many Benefits Of Creating ‘A Thing’

Benefits of creating

A few months ago, Neil Gaiman released a collection of essays and other works of non-fiction. This work, called The View From The Cheap Seats, was hotly anticipated by many fans, myself included. I was lucky enough to have a copy gifted to me, by a then-stranger (Steve Cleff, a kind human being and an amazing artist). The work is filled with insightful, interesting, and sometimes humours essays and observations on the world. However, the main draw for me, and the work I re-read time and time again, is Make Good Art. Make Good Art is the text of a commencement speech given by Neil Gaiman in 2012. The whole speech/transcript is filled with quotable phrases, but one in particular stands out:

Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life an din love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do.

Make good art.

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Gift Ideas For Your Crazy Aunt Ida | Geeks In Art

Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas

Everyone has that family member or acquaintance – you know, the one you’re not super keen on but you sort of have warm feelings for anyway. You might not agree with her political views, her opinions about your career and love life, or her commentary on current affairs, but that doesn’t mean finding the perfect gift has to be complicated. To save you a ton of time, and a lot of hassle, we have a few gift ideas. These will keep Aunt Ida happy (or at least quiet), without resulting in family drama or a blown holiday budget. Continue reading