Journal Spilling To Renew Inspiration

Are You Feeling Creatively Drawn Out?

I know that I was

Earlier this week Ashley posted A Brief Guide To The Sanity Saving Magic That Is A Bullet Journal.  She writes excellently about the art of bullet journalling and how it can save the sanity of those of us who are still preferential to paper and pen instead of the tapping of a keyboard.  And that is a skill I have actually been looking to learn so I personally found her post very helpful, and I am going to look into a moleskine journal.

However following the Christmas rush to get personal gifts done I have been feeling creatively drained. Organization and writing were coming well to me and my house cleaning was reaching a high point.  The kids and I were enjoying each other’s company but painting and creating was difficult.

So I discovered a new journalling method and it was Journal Spilling To The Rescue

Journal Spilling

It was intensely liberating.  To leave behind this notion that I needed to know the destination before I left the stall. That’s not how I create, and it’s a brutal trap for artists.  I had gotten so blank on a fresh ideas that none of my art was calling to me.  I forgot the importance of feeling my art.  So when I stumbled upon Journal Spilling mixed media techniques for free expression I felt like it was calling me.  There it was right in my face, you don’t always start with the end sometimes you start with a blind step.  Using magazine cut outs allows me the chance to grow on what’s there and add my own interpretation. It means that even when the ideas aren’t spilling forward I can still flex those creating muscles, incredibly important muscles like that need proper care.

At Geeks In Art we talk a lot about the importance of self-care. For me colour is therapy. Sometimes it comes out on the canvas, or a geeky gift.  Luckily for me my husband is very tolerant and happens to hate painting so when I reach a brink where I need to see an impact of colour he is happy to let me tackle actual walls and furniture.

But for now I’ll work small.  I am really enjoying journal spilling.  It allows me the comfort of colour while I work through this creative block.

Wish me luck in finding my muse,

🙂 Mimi

About Mimi

Artist, Parent, Partner, Geek Artist - I love creating and using my hands, I enjoy home improvement projects because they give me the same satisfaction as art. Parent - My children are so lucky to have two sets of parents, and so many extended family members who love and provide for them, that I am just one player in an entire community of family, but I am the luckiest player because I get the most time in their company. Partner- There is not a day where I am not grateful to be married to my husband, and I am ecstatic to be partnered with Ashley on this project And yes I am such a Geek that my engagement ring is Harry Potter inspired and our wedding had several Dr Who nods, I even say things like "there is not enough time to watch all the Star Trek episodes I want to see"
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