I have officially completed my second annual Dry Feb in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Midnight on Wednesday I suppose is when I would have been finished but that was also the conclusion of what seemed like a long month, so you will excuse me for not setting an alarm to crack the cork on my first beverage.

Beer O’Clock
February was fraught with more emotions than I would have thought I was capable of feeling; let alone processing.
I did though. Me and my sober self pulled up our steel undies and got through it. In truth, the sober part was very likely a key component to finding my resilience.

Don’t do an internet search for Steel Underwear at Work
There is literally no shortage of literature available toting the numerous mental health benefits to be reaped by cutting alochol out of your life. It’s not uncommon to turn to a drink to help relax, but it’s a mistake to think that drink will help your unpleasant feelings go away and it could actually emphasize them instead. That’s true of a quick fix drink after a difficult experience and for those who drink often and heavily as the long term effects include depression and anxiety.
Hit The Road Jack
As someone who has worked my butt off to overcome both of those beasts I’m not in a rush to invite them over again anytime soon, they can really overstay their welcome. I’m also pretty certain that vodka has never tipped my kitchen elf and that’s why he never works when they come calling.
Don’t even get me started on how awful it is to have anxiety brought on by a hangover, like my brain deciding my body isn’t punishing me enough for my foolishness.
Let’s Get Physical
Your mental health is reason enough to go dry, but you should also experience some other positive side effects for your hardwork.
Many people lose weight when they don’t drink, giving up the calories of the drinks themselves and those late night bad decisions at the local pizza joint.

I Ate WHAT on my way home from the bar?
You should find yourself sleeping more restfully without booze.
Hey; now that you aren’t hungover, hopefully are feeling more rested and maybe even a little pumped up about a change on the scale you might even start working out. I won’t judge you if don’t though.
My Mind On My Money And My Money On My Mind
We live in a developed Country with access to safe clean water. For the time being water is cheaper than beer. So as your pants start to loosen up your wallet could be fattening up.

My Mind On The Money
With reasons piling around you, there’s little to be lost by trying some Dry Days.
You might even decide to participate next year.
To find out more about Dry Feb click here.
To donate to The Canadian Cancer Society, click here.
Geeks Out