5 Simple Self-Care Tips For Geeks


It’s no great secret that things have felt pretty miserable lately. Despite the brief passage of time, many of us (Geeks in Art included) are still mourning Carrie Fisher’s death. Fans admired and drew inspiration from her writing and advocacy. For many, she is the Princess who saved herself and later became a General instead of Queen. She was what happens when bravery and wit meet sheer talent.

Looking to the future for optimism is becoming harder for many to do. Whether it’s a vague sense of gloomy fear for the world in general, or a specific anxiety about your future, willing yourself to be more optimistic isn’t easy. This is why self-care is incredibly important. Self-care, in practice, means doing the things you need to do, even when they are hard or unpleasant, in the best interests of your own mental health. Things things include showering, cleaning, and eating on a regular basis. Self-care can also include things you do to comfort yourself when the world gets to be too much. Here are a few other self-care tips for geeks. Continue reading

Wear Your Fandom | Geeks In Art

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