About Geeks in Art

Geeks in Art was born out of a desire to celebrate geek culture as a bright light in an often dark-seeming world. Being a part of a fandom, or otherwise identifying with an entire subset of people who love That Thing, whatever it may be, as much as you do can be healing, encouraging, and inspiring. We believe that those positive aspects of geek culture deserve to be celebrated, and shared with others. Geeks in Art was created for that purpose: to celebrate geek culture and to spread that joy to others.


So here I am

Ready to take the world by storm.

Okay actually since I lack a TARDIS or any other means of time travel I have no idea how this venture will go, but I remain ever the optimist. But truly my dream is to create a community where we as artists and geeks can share our works and what moves us.

Super heroes, Spies, Doctor’s who time travel, Rebels who fight over galaxies for freedom: geek culture offers a place for us to envision an existence where wrongs can be righted, knowledge and morals are valued over beauty and being different is incredible. There are so many things that I want to say about why I think geeky art is amazing and uplifting, there is no way I can say them all at once.

So I won’t.

Instead, stay tuned, I promise it will be entertaining.

With bubbling excitement,

Mimi Moe

PS: I hope you like puns as much as I do!


I can say with absolute certainty that geek culture has saved my life more than once, in more than one way. Whether it’s Batwoman risking it all to live as her true self, Hayley Atwell’s Peggy Carter insisting that she knows her own value, or the Doctor defeating monsters with nothing more than his/her voice and his/her mind, geek culture has always been there to inspire.

When Mimi asked me to join her on this amazing adventure through the wonderful aspects of geekdom, I couldn’t say no! Armed with little more than our ambition, drive, and talent, we are excited to share this journey with all of you.

With articles and posts meant to inform, uplift, and entertain, we hope there is something here for everyone. We want this to be a community, a place for us all to lift one another up.

May the Force be with you,





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