Heightened Senses: Super Power Or Super Stressful

Heightened Senses/Sensory Sensitivities

If life were a comic book I would surely be raising a Super Hero

Super Heros Senses

You never know what your child could become

There was a time when having heightened senses or a sensory input disorder was enough to warrant being labeled as on the spectrum, this is no longer the case.  That does not however mean that sensory sensitivities don’t still create some very real daily stressors.

Before my son had real communication skills things like getting dressed, going to bed or changing activities in anyway was difficult.  I was never on time because if anything didn’t go according to his plan it was a complete meltdown and then we were starting from scratch.  I used to cut his nails,and hair while he was asleep, I would also get him dressed in the morning while he was still waking up so that maybe, just maybe, I could have him in daytime clothes before he fully realized it.

He would cry at the sound of loud or deep voices.

He’d cover his ears and get angry if he was sitting in the shopping cart while it went over rough ground.

We got him jersey sheets, he would rather scream himself to sleep on the carpet.

Getting Some Answers

Then I started working at a teaching supply store.  This put me in direct contact with parents and teachers who were trying to help children with certain difficulties.  This is when I heard about sensory input difficulties, either too sensitive or not reactive enough.

I found a checklist of symptoms and reactions; he scored off the chart.

Heightened Senses Checklist

Making a list and checking it twice

Turns out that things like tags or buttons on his clothing actually did hurt him.

He experiences everything at a higher intensity than most of us do.  So when the school assessed him this year, they found that he is not on the spectrum but is exhibiting high levels of anxiety.  When we spoke with his doctor about it he explained that the anxiety is directly a result of how strongly he experiences things we take for granted.

Having heightened senses means that everything is brighter, louder and harsher for him.

Managing heightened senses

Cyclops with his special glasses

Now if we were a part of Marvel Universe he would surely attractive the attention of Professor Xavier, because being able to see and hear more than everyone else would certainly develop into a Mutation Superpower.

Taking a note from Professor X’s pages though we are finding ways to make it easier for our own Superhero to dim all the noise and chaos.

This includes dark out masks, sunglasses and various types of noise cancelling headphones.

For now reducing the impact of his heightened senses comes down to managing his exposure to intense situations;

But you just never know what the future will bring……….


About Mimi

Artist, Parent, Partner, Geek Artist - I love creating and using my hands, I enjoy home improvement projects because they give me the same satisfaction as art. Parent - My children are so lucky to have two sets of parents, and so many extended family members who love and provide for them, that I am just one player in an entire community of family, but I am the luckiest player because I get the most time in their company. Partner- There is not a day where I am not grateful to be married to my husband, and I am ecstatic to be partnered with Ashley on this project And yes I am such a Geek that my engagement ring is Harry Potter inspired and our wedding had several Dr Who nods, I even say things like "there is not enough time to watch all the Star Trek episodes I want to see"
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