Half way through Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb

Going Dry for a cause and I’m halfway there

DryFeb and how being sober supports the Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society has started an initiative called Dry Feb, which can be found here online.

And so far 2,473 participants are staying sober for a cause. In exchange for getting through Super Bowl without a pint of beer and Valentine’s day without a nice glass of red wine we are soliciting our friends and family for donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, so far totalling $85,722.

How my 2nd DryFeb week played out

So my second week began with dental surgery.  I was hurting and might have reached for some cider but I did not.  I have actually also been using my dryfeb time to eat well.  So even though there were times where I desperately wanted to quell my feelings of self pity with potato chips I also did not do that.  I was at moments miserable but far more so over the lack of junk food, the booze thankfully was not as difficult.  When I returned today to have my stitches removed they were very impressed with how well I have already healed.  I believe that the clean lifestyle has been a contributing factor.  Yay for a well healed month.

A special note about Valentine’s Day

My husband and I knew that we would not be able to spend today together. So on Saturday evening while one child was at a sleepover over, we decided to enjoy a nice dinner together.  It was a very nice dinner. I’m not sure it classified as romantic with our seven year sitting at the table beside us, but it was lovely and nice to prepare it together. My husband enjoyed some wine while I drank water out of a wine glass, my biggest complaint is that wine glasses don’t hold enough water.

Overall my first half of DryFeb has been successful, and I really hope to hit my fundraising goal so… if you can, please consider donating. You can donate by clicking the image below.

Thanks ever so kindly,


About Mimi

Artist, Parent, Partner, Geek Artist - I love creating and using my hands, I enjoy home improvement projects because they give me the same satisfaction as art. Parent - My children are so lucky to have two sets of parents, and so many extended family members who love and provide for them, that I am just one player in an entire community of family, but I am the luckiest player because I get the most time in their company. Partner- There is not a day where I am not grateful to be married to my husband, and I am ecstatic to be partnered with Ashley on this project And yes I am such a Geek that my engagement ring is Harry Potter inspired and our wedding had several Dr Who nods, I even say things like "there is not enough time to watch all the Star Trek episodes I want to see"
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