This Girl and Her Tee Shirts

Geek Tee Shirt Collection

A glimpse at my collection

So I recently have been trying to declutter our home.

And I have read so much about Marie Kondo’s Life Changing Magic of Tidying UP, in fact I am currently reading it. But my tee shirt drawer always made me feel so much grief when it came down to deciding if I love a shirt or not.

Mimi’s shirts during organization


Post organization

There are some very obvious tee shirts that I love, and almost all of them are Doctor Who, but I have many tee shirts that I don’t love but I’m still unwilling to part with.

I couldn’t understand why.

And then I noticed that people often commented to me on how appropriate the tee shirt I was wearing was for the task/mood/situation I am currently dealing with.

So looking for some different inspiration to release myself of unneeded objects I decided to watch The Minimalists by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, and the biggest thing that struck me was the idea that if you receive joy from your collection then it is serving a purpose and it’s not really necessary to get rid of it.

I will definitely be looking into one of their books:

And then to finally drive the nail home, Ashley created her post on Self-Care, “For some people, simple things like getting dressed warp into an endless string of decisions. For others, the thought of going to work or school seems simply awful. On days like those, everyday/closet cosplay can be exactly the motivation you need to get things done”

Well there we have it – my fandoms tee shirts are staying, and I’m happy to keep them all on hand for those days that I need to summon some extra strength.

So this was one of my first two Fandoms shirts, both Rose related.  I’m happy to see that it is still available.

I Am The Bad Wolf Unisex T-Shirt – $26.35

from: Redbubble

So happy that I highly recommend that if you have some time to spare you click this link and lose yourself to all the cool and amazing tee shirts that are available. Who knows perhaps you will that perfect shirt to help summon courage, encourage a chuckle or show your fandom pride.  I browse fan tee shirts or witty tee shirts when I need a distraction, or a little pick me up, so go ahead and give it try.

Bye for now Sweeties!


About Mimi

Artist, Parent, Partner, Geek Artist - I love creating and using my hands, I enjoy home improvement projects because they give me the same satisfaction as art. Parent - My children are so lucky to have two sets of parents, and so many extended family members who love and provide for them, that I am just one player in an entire community of family, but I am the luckiest player because I get the most time in their company. Partner- There is not a day where I am not grateful to be married to my husband, and I am ecstatic to be partnered with Ashley on this project And yes I am such a Geek that my engagement ring is Harry Potter inspired and our wedding had several Dr Who nods, I even say things like "there is not enough time to watch all the Star Trek episodes I want to see"
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