Tips On How To Find A Hobby You’ll Love


Having a hobby does more than fill in the time in a fun and entertaining way. Hobbies are incredibly good for you. They can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and keep your brain sharp. There are a ton of benefits to having a hobby you can turn to on a regular basis. Some fall into the perfect hobby with ease, while others find it more challenging to find one that they can truly enjoy and feel passionate about. Don’t worry if you haven’t stumbled upon something you love to do. Here are a few things you can try to help you find a hobby you’ll love.

Think About Your Past


Start by thinking about what hobbies, crafts, or other pass-times got you excited as a child. For example, you might have lived for a new colouring book or spent hours inventing elaborate stories for your action figures to act out. Whatever it was that you loved to do as a kid, there is a way to transform it into an adult hobby.

Even if you weren’t fond of your early pass-times, going back to your childhood is still a great place to start. Instead of thinking about the hobbies you loved, think about the ones you never tried. For example, if you were interested in the sciences as a child, consider a more arts-based hobby. Likewise, if you were very crafty as a kid but are having a hard time finding an engaging craft as an adult, think about trying a more technological or science-based one.

Consider The Time/Space You Can Devote To Your Hobby

Some hobbies can easily be picked up and put down depending on the amount of time you have to Spend. Others require a more lengthy time investment. Avoid picking up a time-consuming hobby if you don’t have a lot of it to go around. Otherwise, you may find that you  enjoy the hobby less or that engaging in it causes you stress.

Think about the physical space you have to devote to your new hobby as well. Woodworking, for example, is a great hobby but demands a lot of room. Knitting, paper-crafting, or learning a new skill take up minimal space. If you have your heart set on an activity you can’t do at home because of time or space constraints, consider looking for a class. Community classes are usually available at fairly affordable rates and will provide you with the tools and room the hobby demands. Receiving lessons and advice from instructors is another reason to consider some type of local class.

Examine Your Needs

Is there a particular reason you are looking for a hobby right now? The answer to that question may help you find the perfect one for you. For example, if you want to learn a new skill, finding a hobby that gives you that opportunity is ideal. Individuals can easily find resources online or by investigating in-person learning opportunities in their communities. In other cases, you may want a quiet way to spend your spare time. Low-key hobbies that can be easily picked up and put down are perfect for those situations.

All hobbies have some element of mindfulness to them. Engaging in any pleasurable activity that requires focus and attention is perfect for developing and improving your mindfulness skills. If this is your main purpose, you may want to choose a quiet hobby that demands a lot of attention at first. Something like cross-stitching or knitting, or a hobby that involves technical precision, is a great choice.

Build On Existing Skills


If all else fails, think about something you are good at right now. Maybe you can build drones or draw well or are handy with tools. One way to find a fun and challenging hobby is to improve an existing set of skills. Turn your drone-building skills into aerial photography skills using the drones you’ve made. Or you can take your artistic abilities to the next level by drawing or painting something new.

There is always a way to find a hobby that utilizes existing skills while challenging you to develop new ones. Think about ways you use your current skills that bring you joy. Or speak with others who have similar skill sets. If you are at a complete loss, turn to Google. Seriously. Use a search term consisting of a skill you have and the word “hobby”. Chances are, you’ll find something.

Hobbies are a fantastic way to relax, rejuvenate, and rest after a stressful day/week. We are always on the look out for new and engaging hobbies – let us know your favourites!


About Ashley Perna

Ashley is a freelance writer and office manager. She collects comic books, stationary, and empty journals that for some reason never see a pen. Ashley spends her free time enjoying bright lights in the dark, watching Daily Show alumni on late night TV, and eagerly awaiting the next series of Doctor Who.
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