Artist, Parent, Partner, Geek Artist - I love creating and using my hands, I enjoy home improvement projects because they give me the same satisfaction as art. Parent - My children are so lucky to have two sets of parents, and so many extended family members who love and provide for them, that I am just one player in an entire community of family, but I am the luckiest player because I get the most time in their company. Partner- There is not a day where I am not grateful to be married to my husband, and I am ecstatic to be partnered with Ashley on this project And yes I am such a Geek that my engagement ring is Harry Potter inspired and our wedding had several Dr Who nods, I even say things like "there is not enough time to watch all the Star Trek episodes I want to see"

I Finished My Second Dry Feb

28 Days Dry Feb Badge


I have officially completed my second annual Dry Feb in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Midnight on Wednesday I suppose is when I would have been finished but that was also the conclusion of what seemed like a long month, so you will excuse me for not setting an alarm to crack the cork on my first beverage.

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My Second Dry Feb Valentine’s Day

Did Dry Feb Get In The Way Of Your Valentine’s Day Romance

Romantic dinner with wine

All that Valentine’s Day mush can make some of us want to drink

For some romantics out there Valentine’s Day is a big deal. Those big Valentine’s plans can often include a nice meal, and if you are enjoying a nice romantic meal it’s easy enough to pair that with a nice glass of wine or imported beer.

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Canadian Cancer Society Dry Feb 2018 Has Begun

Dry Feb Banner

Last year I wanted to participate in The Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb Initiative getting in on the action in it’s very first year.

9, 585 people are going dry this year having raised $216,709 so far.

This year my desire to participate was even stronger;

tomorrow is my father’s last radiation treatment.

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Recovering From The Poisonous Venom Of Dr. DarkAges


The Hollywood Reporter

So It’s Been A While

It’s been several weeks since I worked on the website. This saddens me because it is still something I strongly believe in. So in the spirit of creating a community about celebrating the awesomeness of being a Geek I have made the difficult decision to open up about my absence while hopefully not droning on too terribly. Also in true fan style my geek love proved a vital component of my antidote.

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Habitica Is My New Best Friend, Sorry Real Life Friends

Habitica Motivates You Do Anything

Time Management


At least that’s what they claim on Habitica’s home page “Motivate Yourself To Do Anything” behind that statement are some 8 bit graphics of dragons being tossed out of a computer screen and also a few of the pets that are available to you in the “game”.  Actually the pets they choose for the home page are the dragon and the cactus; which are total faves of mine.

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The Mystery Van Gets Supernatural

Supernatural is meeting Scooby Doo

Like Wow!

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Our demon hunting siblings Sam and Dean Winchester are teaming up with the mystery gang; we presume to do a little sleuthing.

Few details regarding the episode have been released yet but we at least know that Jared Padalecki (Sam) and Jensen Ackles (Dean) will be getting the animation treatment instead of an awful half cartoon half reality mash up.

I think honestly the best part of the above video is the reactions from fans on twitter.

Supernatural Scooby-Doo

Jared and Jensen announce crossover

A Supernatural Announcement

Jared and Jensen announced the Supernatural Scooby Doo crossover episode at the CW Upfronts on Thursday May 18th, 2017.

I guess when you have such a long running tv show you need to find some ways to add excitement; although I have to wonder how much serious fans appreciate gimmicky episodes.

Both actors are fathers so perhaps this will be an episode that they can share with their children.

If you are going to go the route of an animated episode I do suppose that the sleuthing mystery gang is a good match up for the monster hunters. And given that the Scooby gang’s recent antics have been brought to us courtesy of Warner Bros. Animation and Supernatural is Warner Bros. Tv Production it just makes even more sense as a crossover episode.

Supernatural Scooby Gang

The Scooby Gang sans Dean and Sam Winchester

Time Will Tell

With few details being given about the episode so far it’s hard to decide if I’m for it or against it.  Which of course means that I will have to watch to find out and that’s what it’s all about anyway.

Will you be watching to see the Winchester boys go for a ride in the Mystery Van?

Geeks Out


Guardians Of The Galaxy Review From A Superhero Newbie

Catching Up With Guardians of the Galaxy

When I got invited by another mom to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 I very eagerly said yes, because it looked awesome.  Then it was brought to my attention that I had not seen Volume 1 yet.  So a mere one hour before I was leaving to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 I finished Volume 1.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
L to R: Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Drax The Destroyer (Dave Bautista) and Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel)
Ph: Film Frame
©Marvel 2014

Volume 1

Oh My God !

I had no idea what I was missing out on.

After a brief but necessary look into Peter Quill’s heartbreaking beginning the Star Lord quickly sets a different tone with his top notch dancing skills set to the soundtrack of ‘Awesome Mixed Tape #1’.

Also I want to point out that I spent the entire movie thinking that Peter would open the gift from his mother at the moment of ultimate doom and it would be something to suddenly save the galaxy. It did turn out to be a very ‘awesome’ gift but it didn’t quite save the galaxy.

Rocket the genetically and cybernetically modified raccoon is accompanied brilliantly by his tree-like humanoid Groot.

Basically all of our good guys are on the run from someone so in order to stay alive (and hopefully get rich) they must form what is at times a very uneasy alliance.

Of course our misfit heroes manage to save the day, and their journey there is chalked full of some fantastic humor. Seriously just so funny.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Rocket Raccoon and his tree like body guard Groot

Some Important Endnotes

The end of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1 leaves us with some important clues into Volume 2.

As the Ravagers leave Xander, Yondu remarks that it turned out well that they did not deliver Quill to his father as contracted.

Peter Quill learns that he is only half human, his father being part of an ancient unknown species.

Star Lord finally opens the gift his mother gave him early on, and it’s ‘Awesome Mixed Tape #2’, I love this.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have their criminal records expunged and they leave together in the rebuilt Milano (Peter’s ship) with a sapling cut from Groot.

Volume 2

Spoiler – it’s hilarious and wonderful.

I really enjoyed Groot the body guard but Baby Groot is freaking adorable.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Baby Groot is freaking ADORABLE!

Yondu’s remark regarding Peter’s father give us some insight into the main theme of Volume 2, unravelling the mysteries of Peter’s parentage.

As Marvel Studios continues to expand their Marvel Universe prepare to accept some old foes as new friends.

Of course our now beloved ragtag heroes find themselves once again on the run from powerful beings.

To avoid giving away too much of the story before everyone has had a fair chance to watch it I won’t go too much into Volume 2, but I am thrilled to see more of Nebula.

My eagerness for Nebula is at least partly due to my fascination with Karen Gillan ever since she portrayed Amy Pond, which is a completely different fandom but I wanted to be Amy Pond.

Karen Gillan shaved her signature red locks completely off for her role as Nebula in Volume 1 and even did it on camera.  She reports being grateful that for Volume 2 they only needed to shave the lower half of her head.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Karen Gillan’s hair growing out after her role as Nebula

It is one of those rare franchises that I will be watching multiple times.

I loved it !!

Geeks Out


Wynonna Earp Is Bad Ass, And Purgatory Is In Canada

Wynonna Earp Shines A Spotlight On Canada

So if you were to google Wynonna Earp it would tell you that it is an American-Canadian series, and the Black Badge division of the Us Marshals does play a role as a cross border task force.  But….Space Channel airing Wynonna Earp has actually brought it to a Canadian audience; which is pretty exciting since Purgatory is in Canada.

I mean let’s be real Canada is not one of the most represented countries on television, so there’s something pretty awesome about the small town local Sheriff telling Agent Xavier Dolls that he’s been on the phone with Washington and Ottawa.  Officer Haught also curiously delivers a package from CSIS.

Wynonna And Agent Dolls, clearly in winter because it’s Canada


Wynonna Earp Gives Us The Wild West With An Edge

Very early on I want to warn anyone who hasn’t seen it that there one overly gory scene in every episode.

So if like me you happen to be a little squeamish or prone to nightmares make sure that you are able to fast forward or at least be prepared to cover your eyes and ears.

With that out of the way, let me tell you that it is frigging awesome.

At some point before I started watching for myself my husband told me that it was being described as Buffy meets Supernatural, and it’s a pretty spot on description; I kind of wish that I knew where to assign credit.

Wynonna And Waverly Earp

Wynonna Earp Always Leaves Us With A Cliffhanger

At the end of every episode I want see the next episode as soon as possible because I really want to know what happens next.  I have a genuine curiosity to see where the story will go.  The team behind Wynonna Earp has done an excellent job of making us care about what happens to our core group of misfits.  I would not reccomend getting too attached to some of the others.

Our main misfits include the title character Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano), her younger sister Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), plucked right from the old time Wild West Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon), and Agent Xavier Dolls (Shamier Anderson). A special note about Officer Nicole Haught (Katherine Barrell) I love the character and her relationship with Waverly, not to give away too many important details, so I hope that she continues to be featured as key player.

Main Characters of Wynonna Earp

The Making Of Wynonna Earp

Wynonna Earp is an Original Canadian Series based on the Graphic Novel Series written by Beau Smith and released by IDW Publishing.  The Tv show and Graphic Novel Series both share the name of their main Demon Hunter Wynonna Earp.

The Tv Series is brought to life by Showrunner and Executive Producer Emily Andras.

Space is the Canadian Production Partner of Calgary Producer SEVEN24 Films.  Session 2 which was recently nominated for 6 Canadian Screen Awards is currently in production in Calgary.

And just to up the badassness of it all Emily Andras herself is Canadian, being an Alumnus of Queen’s University and RTA School of Media at Ryerson University.

The characters of Wynonna, Doc, Agents Dolls, and Officer Haught are also all Canadian Actors.

I could not be more impressed with the series and I hope they continue to WOW me in the second season.

I am eagerly awaiting more episodes, it’s a nice to see a badass heroine and the Canadian touch is very welcome.

Geeks Out,



Heightened Senses: Super Power Or Super Stressful

Heightened Senses/Sensory Sensitivities

If life were a comic book I would surely be raising a Super Hero

Super Heros Senses

You never know what your child could become

There was a time when having heightened senses or a sensory input disorder was enough to warrant being labeled as on the spectrum, this is no longer the case.  That does not however mean that sensory sensitivities don’t still create some very real daily stressors.

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